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Whose car are we taking?

I am sure you have seen the movie clip or meme from "The Town." Ben Affleck opening the door saying (I paraphrase), "I need your help. You can't ask me any questions. You and I will never talk about it afterwards. And we are going to hurt some people."

Jeremy Renner, pauses for a moment, then says, "Whose car are we taking?"

For Lent, I decided to not post or comment (except for sending out birthday wishes or condolences) on Facebook or Instagram. It has been harder than I thought to resist, especially since I work 100% remote for my current job. Social media has been the way I and many others have communicated for most of the last few years. It has helped to stay in touch with people through the pandemic.

Unfortunately, I found myself "reacting" instead of "acting." I was getting pissed off at people perpetuating facebook myths like the one where they declare their privacy by copying and pasting a statement or not fully reading an article before they share. I wasn't being thoughtful in my own responses either. Was sending a heart or a thumbs up on a picture of Ukrainian Fighters or cute pictures of Humane Society puppies really doing anything? Was an angry face for yet another stupid remark from that QAnon Congress Rep really stopping anything?

Many religions view Lent as a time to sacrifice something, but I prefer to think of it as a time to remove a barrier between myself and God. If I really want to be a better servant, a better representative of God's Grace and Love here on earth, emojis are just not cutting it. I was substituting commenting for action....and it has been a detriment to my soul.

Right now, the world needs more than just "allies;" it needs ACCOMPLICES. We should no longer be content to post our support, change the border of our profile pics or give a thumbs up to a cause. The human race needs us to show up! Stand up and get in GOOD TROUBLE!

Never once did Christ turn away from the those who needed our love, grace and compassion. He risked everything to stand up against legalism and support the oppressed. The Son of God got angry and flipped tables because the money changers were keeping people out of the Temple. READ THAT AGAIN - HE got angry!

We must be more than allies, standing on the sidelines cheering and sending emojis. Let's be ACCOMPLICES, willing to stand up for our fellow humans...let's go to the protests, write our representatives, bang on doors and donate to causes that lift each other up. Let's pick up the banners, roll up our sleeves and fill the boxes for the needy, build the homes and fill the shelves of our libraries and schools so that no one human lacks. Let's build longer tables and open our arms in love and acceptance.

We are ONE RACE, everything else is just genetic expression.

I want everyone to live a full authentic life, however that looks for you.

I stand for Human Rights for EVERYONE - Cis, Trans, Gay, Non-binary, Straight, Black, White, Brown, Female, Male, etc.

I want access to healthcare for everyone because it is better for all of us if we are all healthy, physically and mentally.

I want clean air and water for everyone. I want that no one goes hungry or homeless.

For me, these are not #hasttags or emojis.

Let's get into some Good Trouble....I'll drive!

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